Monday 10 March 2008


Dont wanna let u go
Dont wanna hang on to u
Time is passing by
Still wanna think about u....

Dont know what to say
Dont know how to hide
Oh, that shy sweet smile
You'll never know what it feels like deep down inside....

Cant keep my eyes down
Cant look into your eyes brown
Spend hours thinking about u
And when u come, dont know what to do...

Stop u while u go
Just to say how do u do
Forget d lines ahead
How to tell u how much i am fond of u...

Somebody stop the moments passing by
I have got something else to do
But i cant stop thinking about u
For this is the only time i have got with u...

Not friendship, its not love
something beyond words
Fear u misunderstand me - cant express it to u
Somebody please tell me what to do...........


ronsin said...

as usual... liked ur poem a lot!!! i mostly do... may be coz all are very easy going... :)

. said...

thanks ron. thanks for the comments. its really encouraging.

Moments Of Life said...


the perfect words

Gaurav Bhadoria said...

m reading your poems for the first time..nd man u r damn simple words...nd yet so efficient to express the feelings...which im sure most of us have felt some or the other time.. atleast i was lost into my memories yaar

. said...

@ myself, gaurav. thanks a lot. i am flattered.

Abhi said...

Poem is too good Just awsome...
But does BLACK background SUITS ????

. said...

@abhi. thanks. yes the black background is perfect. it just couldnot have been anything else. infact i was thinking of writing about it in my first post itself but then just thought otherwise.

i love black. black is pure. sexy. mystic. gloomy. dark sinsiter wicked.. closest to human thoughts and feelings. black is simply black. it speaks of the void inside us, the emptiness we feel, the darkness around us. it defines so much.. it defines me.(though there are shades of grey too) :)

Chinmaya said...

Black background and a blacker verse. Lots of darkness around. And I love darkness. Looks like you do too.
Nice work. Very elegant. And of course very confused, which is what makes it so real. It touches.

I am NN said...

Touching poem...u have striked the right chord..& the epilogue adds to the simplicity.Looks like U really hav experienced this poem. :P

. said...

thanks chinmaya. ya i do love darkness and well spotted.. i am indeed confused for most parts.

thanks NN. ya i have really felt this poem and so it is one of my favourites.

Bohemian said...

Hmmm. talking abt the color Black, well i started a blog sometime back, (there's only one post to date and that was written arnd 1 year back).. and my blog had a Black background too.

extremum said...

really loved this one..
